Site extraction

Genome-wide imputation dataset might be huge. Often, it is required to extract a subset of imputed sites (e.g. specific markers, genomic location, or markers with a specific minor allele frequency, information value or completion rate). Also, different format might be required, depending of the underlying analysis (e.g. hard calls or dosage values). We provide an easy tool to perform site extraction of multiple impute2 files using either marker identification number, or genomic location and/or minor allele frequency and/or call rate and/or information value.

We suppose that you have followed the main Genome-wide imputation pipeline. The following command will create the working directory for this tutorial.

mkdir -p $HOME/genipe_tutorial/extraction

Input files

After running the genipe pipeline, all the required files for the extraction tools are automatically created in the final_impute2 directories (see the genipe/chrN/final_impute2 directories section in the main Genome-wide imputation pipeline).

The files that are required in these directories depends of what kind of extraction is required (by name, or by genomic location and/or by minor allele frequency and/or by calling rate and/or by information value).

Once the required impute2 files are provided to the tool, the other required files will be automatically fetched (if required).

Executing the extraction

The first time the tool is used on a set of impute2 files, indexation will automatically occur (to speed of the analysis for future extraction). There are two ways to extract markers: using their identification number (--extract), or using their properties (--genomic, --maf, --rate and/or --info).


It is possible to extract from multiple impute2 files at the same time (by specifying multiple input files).

Extraction by ID

To extract markers using their identification number, you need a file containing the list of marker to extract (one marker per line).

cd $HOME/genipe_tutorial/extraction

echo "rs76139713:51137523:C:T" > marker_list.txt
echo "rs372879164:17037188:A:G" >> marker_list.txt

This marker_list.txt file will contain the following:


Then, the following command (using the --extract option) will extract those two markers from the impute2 file.

impute2-extractor \
    --impute2 ../genipe/chr22/final_impute2/chr22.imputed.impute2.gz \
    --extract marker_list.txt


To gather a list of marker identification numbers, refer to the file, which contains the list of all sites in the impute2 file.

Extraction by characteristics

There are four ways to extract markers according to their characteristics. The first way is to specify the genomic location of the markers to extract (i.e. the --genomic option). The second way is to specify a minor allele frequency threshold (i.e. the --maf option). The third way is to specify a call rate threshold (i.e. the --rate option). The fourth and final way is to specify an information value threshold (i.e. the --info option). Those four ways can be used at the same time (e.g. to get markers in a specific genomic range and a specific call rate).

For example, to extract markers with a MAF \(\geq\) 0.05 located in the CYP2D6 gene, perform the following command:

cd $HOME/genipe_tutorial/extraction

impute2-extractor \
    --impute2 ../genipe/chr22/final_impute2/chr22.imputed.impute2.gz \
    --genomic chr22:42522501-42526883 \
    --maf 0.05 \
    --out cyp2d6_common

To gather all markers with a MAF \(\geq\) 0.05 and a call rate \(\geq\) 0.99, perform the following command:

impute2-extractor \
    --impute2 ../genipe/chr22/final_impute2/chr22.imputed.impute2.gz \
    --maf 0.05 \
    --rate 0.99 \
    --out common_complete

Output files

The output files will depend on the output format selected (the --format option). You can specify either impute2, dosage, calls and/or bed, for the impute2 format (i.e. three probabilities per sample), the dosage format (i.e. one value between 0 and 2 per sample), hard calls and binary Plink file.

.impute2 file

This file is generated when the impute2 format is used. It has the same format as the original impute2 file.

The general structure of the file contains the following columns (which are space delimited): the chromosome, the name of the marker, its position and its two alleles. The subsequent columns correspond to the probabilities of each genotype (hence, there are three columns per sample). The first value correspond to the probability of being homozygous of the first allele. The second value correspond to the probability of being heterozygous. Finally, the third value correspond to the probability of being homozygous of the second allele.

The following example shows two lines of the .impute2 file.

22 rs7289830 16058758 C A 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 ...
22 rs6423472 16087621 A G 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 ...


When extracting using the impute2 format, all the existing companion files (.maf, .map, etc.) will also be extracted and included in the same directory (using the same output prefix).

.dosage file

This file contains the dosage computed from the impute2 probabilities. The general structure of the file contains the following columns (which are tabulation separated): the chromosome, the position on the chromosome, its name, its minor and major allele and the dosage value. The dosage values vary between 0 and 2 (inclusively), where values close to 0 represent a higher chance of been homozygous of the major allele, values close to 1 represent a higher chance of been heterozygous, and values close to 2 represent a higher chance of been homozygous of the minor allele.

The following example shows two lines of the .dosage file.

22   16058758        rs7289830       C       A       0.0     0.0     1.0     ...
22   16087621        rs6423472       A       G       1.0     2.0     1.0     ...


Dosage values computed from probabilities that are below the quality threshold (specified by the --prob option) will have a missing value of nan.

.calls file

This file contains the hard calls computed from the impute2 probabilities. It has the same format as a transposed pedfile (from Plink). The general structure of the file contains the following columns (which are tabulation separated): the chromosome, the marker name, the genetic position, the genomic location, and the hard calls.

The following example shows two lines of the .calls file.

22   rs7289830       0       16058758        A A     A A     C A     ...
22   rs6423472       0       16087621        A G     A A     A G     ...


Hard calls computed from probabilities that are below the quality threshold (specified by the --prob option) will have a missing value of 0 0.


The following command will display the documentation for the extraction analysis in the console:

$ impute2-extractor --help
usage: impute2-extractor [-h] [-v] [--debug] --impute2 FILE [--index]
                         [--out PREFIX] [--format FORMAT [FORMAT ...]]
                         [--long] [--prob FLOAT] [--extract FILE]
                         [--genomic CHR:START-END] [--maf FLOAT]
                         [--rate FLOAT] [--info FLOAT]

Extract imputed markers located in a specific genomic region. This script is
part of the 'genipe' package, version 1.4.2.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  --debug               set the logging level to debug

Input Files:
  --impute2 FILE        The output from IMPUTE2.

Indexation Options:
  --index               Only perform the indexation.

Output Options:
  --out PREFIX          The prefix of the output files. [impute2_extractor]
  --format FORMAT [FORMAT ...]
                        The output format. Can specify either 'impute2' for
                        probabilities (same as impute2 format, i.e. 3 values
                        per sample), 'dosage' for dosage values (one value
                        between 0 and 2 by sample), 'calls' for hard calls, or
                        'bed' for Plink binary format (with hard calls).
  --long                Write the output file in the long format (one line per
                        sample per marker). This option is only compatible
                        with the 'calls' and 'dosage' format (option '--
  --prob FLOAT          The probability threshold used when creating a file in
                        the dosage or call format. [0.9]

Extraction Options:
  --extract FILE        File containing marker names to extract.
  --genomic CHR:START-END
                        The range to extract (e.g. 22 1000000 1500000). Can be
                        use in combination with '--rate', '--maf' and '--
  --maf FLOAT           Extract markers with a minor allele frequency equal or
                        higher than the specified threshold. Can be use in
                        combination with '--rate', '--info' and '--genomic'.
  --rate FLOAT          Extract markers with a completion rate equal or higher
                        to the specified threshold. Can be use in combination
                        with '--maf', '--info' and '--genomic'.
  --info FLOAT          Extract markers with an information equal or higher to
                        the specified threshold. Can be use in combination
                        with '--maf', '--rate' and '--genomic'.


When using the --index option, only the indexation (of files without an index) will be performed.