Impute2 Extractor - impute2-extractor
Extract imputed markers located in a specific genomic region.
General options¶
Option |
Description |
Show this help message and exit. |
Show program’s version number and exit. |
Set the logging level to debug. |
Input files¶
Option |
Description |
The output from IMPUTE2. |
Indexation options¶
Option |
Description |
Only perform the indexation. |
Output options¶
Option |
Description |
The prefix of the output files.
[ |
The output format. Can specify either
‘impute2’ for probabilities (same as
impute2 format, i.e. 3 values per
sample), ‘dosage’ for dosage values
(one value between 0 and 2 by
sample), ‘calls’ for hard calls, or
‘bed’ for Plink binary format (with
hard calls). [ |
Write the output file in the long format (one line per sample per marker). This option is only compatible with the ‘calls’ and ‘dosage’ format (option ‘– format’). |
The probability threshold used when
creating a file in the dosage or call
format. [ |
Extraction options¶
Option |
Description |
File containing marker names to extract. |
The range to extract (e.g. 22 1000000
1500000). Can be use in combination with
‘ |
Extract markers with a minor allele frequency equal or higher than the specified threshold. Can be use in combination with ‘–rate’, ‘–info’ and ‘–genomic’. |
Extract markers with a completion rate
equal or higher to the specified
threshold. Can be use in combination with
‘ |
Extract markers with an information equal
or higher to the specified threshold. Can
be use in combination with ‘ |