Source code for genipe.tests.test_impute2_extractor

# This file is part of genipe.
# This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
# 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
# or send a letter to Creative
# Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.

import os
import logging
import unittest
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory

from import impute2_extractor

__author__ = "Louis-Philippe Lemieux Perreault"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014, Beaulieu-Saucier Pharmacogenomics Centre"
__license__ = "Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)"

__all__ = ["TestImpute2Extractor"]

[docs]class TestImpute2Extractor(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] @staticmethod def clean_logging_handlers(): handlers = list(logging.root.handlers) for handler in handlers: logging.root.removeHandler(handler)
[docs] def setUp(self): """Setup the tests.""" # Creating the temporary directory self.output_dir = TemporaryDirectory(prefix="genipe_test_") # Creating the input files (impute2, map, maf, completion_rate and # impute2_info) filename = os.path.join(, "genipe.impute2") with open(filename, "w") as o_file: o_file.write(( "1 rs12345 1231415 A G 1 0 0 0.988 0.002 0 0 0.997 0.003\n" "1 rs23456 3214569 T C 0.869 0.130 0 0.903 0.095 0.002 0 0 1\n" "1 rs23457 3214570 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" "1 rs23457_1 3214571 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" "1 rs23457_2 3214572 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" "1 1:3214573 3214573 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" "1 1:4214570_1 4214570 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0.869 0.130 0 0.869 " "0.130 0\n" )) filename = os.path.join(, "genipe.impute2_info") with open(filename, "w") as o_file: o_file.write(( "chr\tname\tposition\ta0\ta1\texp_freq_a1\tinfo\tcertainty\t" "type\tinfo_type0\tconcord_type0\tr2_type0\n" "1\trs12345\t1231415\tA\tG\t0.006\t0.359\t0.987\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" "1\trs23456\t3214569\tT\tC\t0.082\t0.362\t0.866\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" "1\trs23457\t3214570\tT\tTC\t0.126\t0.299\t0.832\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" "1\trs23457_1\t3214571\tT\tTC\t0.060\t0.300\t0.909\t0\t-1\t" "-1\t-1\n" "1\trs23457_2\t3214572\tT\tTC\t0.084\t0.203\t0.854\t0\t-1\t" "-1\t-1\n" "1\t1:3214573\t3214573\tT\tTC\t0.371\t0.339\t0.619\t0\t-1\t" "-1\t-1\n" "1\t1:4214570_1\t4214570\tT\tTC\t0.174\t0.589\t0.831\t0\t-1\t" "-1\t-1\n" )) filename = os.path.join(, "") with open(filename, "w") as o_file: o_file.write(( "1\trs12345\t0\t1231415\n" "1\trs23456\t0\t3214569\n" "1\trs23457\t0\t3214570\n" "1\trs23457_1\t0\t3214571\n" "1\trs23457_2\t0\t3214572\n" "1\t1:3214573\t0\t3214573\n" "1\t1:4214570_1\t0\t4214570\n" )) filename = os.path.join(, "genipe.maf") with open(filename, "w") as o_file: o_file.write(( "name\tmajor\tminor\tmaf\n" "rs12345\tA\tG\t{}\n" "rs23456\tT\tC\t{}\n" "rs23457\tTC\tT\t{}\n" "rs23457_1\tTC\tT\t{}\n" "rs23457_2\tTC\tT\t{}\n" "1:3214573\tTC\tT\t{}\n" "1:4214570_1\tT\tTC\t{}\n" ).format(1/6, 0.5, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4, "NA")) filename = os.path.join(, "genipe.completion_rates") with open(filename, "w") as o_file: o_file.write(( "name\tnb_missing\tcompletion_rate\n" "rs12345\t0\t{}\n" "rs23456\t1\t{}\n" "rs23457\t1\t{}\n" "rs23457_1\t1\t{}\n" "rs23457_2\t1\t{}\n" "1:3214573\t1\t{}\n" "1:4214570_1\t3\t{}\n" ).format(1, 2/3, 2/3, 2/3, 2/3, 2/3, 0)) filename = os.path.join(, "genipe.sample") with open(filename, "w") as o_file: o_file.write( "ID_1 ID_2 missing father mother sex plink_pheno\n" "0 0 0 D D D B\n" "f1 s1 0 0 0 0 -9\n" "f2 s2 0 0 0 0 -9\n" "f3 s3 0 0 0 0 -9\n" ) self.common_args = [ "--impute2", os.path.join(, "genipe.impute2"), "--format", "impute2", "dosage", "calls", "--out", os.path.join(, "results"), ]
[docs] def tearDown(self): """Finishes the test.""" # Deleting the output directory self.output_dir.cleanup()
[docs] def test_extract(self): """Tests the extraction by marker name.""" # Creating a file with markers to extract extract_filename = os.path.join(, "to_extract") with open(extract_filename, "w") as o_file: o_file.write("rs23456\nrs23457_2\n1:4214570_1\n") # Executing the script args = self.common_args + [ "--extract", extract_filename, ] impute2_extractor.main(args=args) TestImpute2Extractor.clean_logging_handlers() # Testing we have the three output files template_name = os.path.join(, "results.{ext}") for suffix in ("impute2", "dosage", "calls"): self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(template_name.format(ext=suffix))) # Checking the impute2 file expected = ( "1 rs23456 3214569 T C 0.869 0.130 0 0.903 0.095 0.002 0 0 1\n" "1 rs23457_2 3214572 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" "1 1:4214570_1 4214570 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0.869 0.130 0 0.869 " "0.130 0\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="impute2"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the dosage file expected = ( "chrom\tpos\tname\tminor\tmajor\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\t3214569\trs23456\tC\tT\tnan\t0.099\t2.0\n" "1\t3214572\trs23457_2\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" "1\t4214570\t1:4214570_1\tTC\tT\tnan\tnan\tnan\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="dosage"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the hard calls file expected = ( "chrom\tname\tcm\tpos\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\trs23456\t0\t3214569\t0 0\tT T\tC C\n" "1\trs23457_2\t0\t3214572\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" "1\t1:4214570_1\t0\t4214570\t0 0\t0 0\t0 0\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="calls"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (impute2_info) info_fn = template_name.format(ext="impute2_info") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "chr\tname\tposition\ta0\ta1\texp_freq_a1\tinfo\tcertainty\t" "type\tinfo_type0\tconcord_type0\tr2_type0\n" "1\trs23456\t3214569\tT\tC\t0.082\t0.362\t0.866\t0\t-1\t-1\t-1\n" "1\trs23457_2\t3214572\tT\tTC\t0.084\t0.203\t0.854\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" "1\t1:4214570_1\t4214570\tT\tTC\t0.174\t0.589\t0.831\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" ) observed = None with open(info_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (map) map_fn = template_name.format(ext="map") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "1\trs23456\t0\t3214569\n" "1\trs23457_2\t0\t3214572\n" "1\t1:4214570_1\t0\t4214570\n" ) observed = None with open(map_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion file (maf) maf_fn = template_name.format(ext="maf") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "name\tmajor\tminor\tmaf\n" "rs23456\tT\tC\t{}\n" "rs23457_2\tTC\tT\t{}\n" "1:4214570_1\tT\tTC\t{}\n" ).format(0.5, 1/4, "NA") observed = None with open(maf_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed)
[docs] def test_genomic(self): """Tests the extraction by genomic location.""" # Executing the script args = self.common_args + [ "--genomic", "chr1:3214570-3214573", ] impute2_extractor.main(args=args) TestImpute2Extractor.clean_logging_handlers() # Testing we have the three output files template_name = os.path.join(, "results.{ext}") for suffix in ("impute2", "dosage", "calls"): self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(template_name.format(ext=suffix))) # Checking the impute2 file expected = ( "1 rs23457 3214570 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" "1 rs23457_1 3214571 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" "1 rs23457_2 3214572 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" "1 1:3214573 3214573 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="impute2"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the dosage file expected = ( "chrom\tpos\tname\tminor\tmajor\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\t3214570\trs23457\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" "1\t3214571\trs23457_1\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" "1\t3214572\trs23457_2\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" "1\t3214573\t1:3214573\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="dosage"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the hard calls file expected = ( "chrom\tname\tcm\tpos\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\trs23457\t0\t3214570\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" "1\trs23457_1\t0\t3214571\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" "1\trs23457_2\t0\t3214572\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" "1\t1:3214573\t0\t3214573\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="calls"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (impute2_info) info_fn = template_name.format(ext="impute2_info") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "chr\tname\tposition\ta0\ta1\texp_freq_a1\tinfo\tcertainty\t" "type\tinfo_type0\tconcord_type0\tr2_type0\n" "1\trs23457\t3214570\tT\tTC\t0.126\t0.299\t0.832\t0\t-1\t-1\t-1\n" "1\trs23457_1\t3214571\tT\tTC\t0.060\t0.300\t0.909\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" "1\trs23457_2\t3214572\tT\tTC\t0.084\t0.203\t0.854\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" "1\t1:3214573\t3214573\tT\tTC\t0.371\t0.339\t0.619\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" ) observed = None with open(info_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (map) map_fn = template_name.format(ext="map") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "1\trs23457\t0\t3214570\n" "1\trs23457_1\t0\t3214571\n" "1\trs23457_2\t0\t3214572\n" "1\t1:3214573\t0\t3214573\n" ) observed = None with open(map_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion file (map) maf_fn = template_name.format(ext="maf") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "name\tmajor\tminor\tmaf\n" "rs23457\tTC\tT\t{}\n" "rs23457_1\tTC\tT\t{}\n" "rs23457_2\tTC\tT\t{}\n" "1:3214573\tTC\tT\t{}\n" ).format(1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4) observed = None with open(maf_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed)
[docs] def test_maf(self): """Tests the extraction by maf.""" # Executing the script args = self.common_args + [ "--maf", "0.25", ] impute2_extractor.main(args=args) TestImpute2Extractor.clean_logging_handlers() # Testing we have the three output files template_name = os.path.join(, "results.{ext}") for suffix in ("impute2", "dosage", "calls"): self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(template_name.format(ext=suffix))) # Checking the impute2 file expected = ( "1 rs23456 3214569 T C 0.869 0.130 0 0.903 0.095 0.002 0 0 1\n" "1 rs23457 3214570 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" "1 rs23457_1 3214571 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" "1 rs23457_2 3214572 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" "1 1:3214573 3214573 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="impute2"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the dosage file expected = ( "chrom\tpos\tname\tminor\tmajor\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\t3214569\trs23456\tC\tT\tnan\t0.099\t2.0\n" "1\t3214570\trs23457\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" "1\t3214571\trs23457_1\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" "1\t3214572\trs23457_2\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" "1\t3214573\t1:3214573\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="dosage"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the hard calls file expected = ( "chrom\tname\tcm\tpos\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\trs23456\t0\t3214569\t0 0\tT T\tC C\n" "1\trs23457\t0\t3214570\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" "1\trs23457_1\t0\t3214571\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" "1\trs23457_2\t0\t3214572\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" "1\t1:3214573\t0\t3214573\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="calls"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (impute2_info) info_fn = template_name.format(ext="impute2_info") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "chr\tname\tposition\ta0\ta1\texp_freq_a1\tinfo\tcertainty\t" "type\tinfo_type0\tconcord_type0\tr2_type0\n" "1\trs23456\t3214569\tT\tC\t0.082\t0.362\t0.866\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" "1\trs23457\t3214570\tT\tTC\t0.126\t0.299\t0.832\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" "1\trs23457_1\t3214571\tT\tTC\t0.060\t0.300\t0.909\t0\t-1\t" "-1\t-1\n" "1\trs23457_2\t3214572\tT\tTC\t0.084\t0.203\t0.854\t0\t-1\t" "-1\t-1\n" "1\t1:3214573\t3214573\tT\tTC\t0.371\t0.339\t0.619\t0\t-1\t" "-1\t-1\n" ) observed = None with open(info_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (map) map_fn = template_name.format(ext="map") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "1\trs23456\t0\t3214569\n" "1\trs23457\t0\t3214570\n" "1\trs23457_1\t0\t3214571\n" "1\trs23457_2\t0\t3214572\n" "1\t1:3214573\t0\t3214573\n" ) observed = None with open(map_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion file (map) maf_fn = template_name.format(ext="maf") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "name\tmajor\tminor\tmaf\n" "rs23456\tT\tC\t{}\n" "rs23457\tTC\tT\t{}\n" "rs23457_1\tTC\tT\t{}\n" "rs23457_2\tTC\tT\t{}\n" "1:3214573\tTC\tT\t{}\n" ).format(0.5, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4) observed = None with open(maf_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed)
[docs] def test_rate(self): """Tests the extraction by completion rate.""" # Executing the script args = self.common_args + [ "--rate", "0.5", ] impute2_extractor.main(args=args) TestImpute2Extractor.clean_logging_handlers() # Testing we have the three output files template_name = os.path.join(, "results.{ext}") for suffix in ("impute2", "dosage", "calls"): self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(template_name.format(ext=suffix))) # Checking the impute2 file expected = ( "1 rs12345 1231415 A G 1 0 0 0.988 0.002 0 0 0.997 0.003\n" "1 rs23456 3214569 T C 0.869 0.130 0 0.903 0.095 0.002 0 0 1\n" "1 rs23457 3214570 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" "1 rs23457_1 3214571 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" "1 rs23457_2 3214572 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" "1 1:3214573 3214573 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="impute2"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the dosage file expected = ( "chrom\tpos\tname\tminor\tmajor\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\t1231415\trs12345\tG\tA\t0.0\t0.002\t1.003\n" "1\t3214569\trs23456\tC\tT\tnan\t0.099\t2.0\n" "1\t3214570\trs23457\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" "1\t3214571\trs23457_1\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" "1\t3214572\trs23457_2\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" "1\t3214573\t1:3214573\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="dosage"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the hard calls file expected = ( "chrom\tname\tcm\tpos\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\trs12345\t0\t1231415\tA A\tA A\tA G\n" "1\trs23456\t0\t3214569\t0 0\tT T\tC C\n" "1\trs23457\t0\t3214570\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" "1\trs23457_1\t0\t3214571\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" "1\trs23457_2\t0\t3214572\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" "1\t1:3214573\t0\t3214573\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="calls"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (impute2_info) info_fn = template_name.format(ext="impute2_info") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "chr\tname\tposition\ta0\ta1\texp_freq_a1\tinfo\tcertainty\t" "type\tinfo_type0\tconcord_type0\tr2_type0\n" "1\trs12345\t1231415\tA\tG\t0.006\t0.359\t0.987\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" "1\trs23456\t3214569\tT\tC\t0.082\t0.362\t0.866\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" "1\trs23457\t3214570\tT\tTC\t0.126\t0.299\t0.832\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" "1\trs23457_1\t3214571\tT\tTC\t0.060\t0.300\t0.909\t0\t-1\t" "-1\t-1\n" "1\trs23457_2\t3214572\tT\tTC\t0.084\t0.203\t0.854\t0\t-1\t" "-1\t-1\n" "1\t1:3214573\t3214573\tT\tTC\t0.371\t0.339\t0.619\t0\t-1\t" "-1\t-1\n" ) observed = None with open(info_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (map) map_fn = template_name.format(ext="map") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "1\trs12345\t0\t1231415\n" "1\trs23456\t0\t3214569\n" "1\trs23457\t0\t3214570\n" "1\trs23457_1\t0\t3214571\n" "1\trs23457_2\t0\t3214572\n" "1\t1:3214573\t0\t3214573\n" ) observed = None with open(map_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion file (map) maf_fn = template_name.format(ext="maf") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "name\tmajor\tminor\tmaf\n" "rs12345\tA\tG\t{}\n" "rs23456\tT\tC\t{}\n" "rs23457\tTC\tT\t{}\n" "rs23457_1\tTC\tT\t{}\n" "rs23457_2\tTC\tT\t{}\n" "1:3214573\tTC\tT\t{}\n" ).format(1/6, 0.5, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4) observed = None with open(maf_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed)
[docs] def test_info(self): """Tests the extraction by information value.""" # Executing the script args = self.common_args + [ "--info", "0.3", ] impute2_extractor.main(args=args) TestImpute2Extractor.clean_logging_handlers() # Testing we have the three output files template_name = os.path.join(, "results.{ext}") for suffix in ("impute2", "dosage", "calls"): self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(template_name.format(ext=suffix))) # Checking the impute2 file expected = ( "1 rs12345 1231415 A G 1 0 0 0.988 0.002 0 0 0.997 0.003\n" "1 rs23456 3214569 T C 0.869 0.130 0 0.903 0.095 0.002 0 0 1\n" "1 rs23457_1 3214571 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" "1 1:3214573 3214573 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" "1 1:4214570_1 4214570 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0.869 0.130 0 0.869 " "0.130 0\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="impute2"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the dosage file expected = ( "chrom\tpos\tname\tminor\tmajor\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\t1231415\trs12345\tG\tA\t0.0\t0.002\t1.003\n" "1\t3214569\trs23456\tC\tT\tnan\t0.099\t2.0\n" "1\t3214571\trs23457_1\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" "1\t3214573\t1:3214573\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" "1\t4214570\t1:4214570_1\tTC\tT\tnan\tnan\tnan\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="dosage"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the hard calls file expected = ( "chrom\tname\tcm\tpos\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\trs12345\t0\t1231415\tA A\tA A\tA G\n" "1\trs23456\t0\t3214569\t0 0\tT T\tC C\n" "1\trs23457_1\t0\t3214571\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" "1\t1:3214573\t0\t3214573\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" "1\t1:4214570_1\t0\t4214570\t0 0\t0 0\t0 0\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="calls"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (impute2_info) info_fn = template_name.format(ext="impute2_info") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "chr\tname\tposition\ta0\ta1\texp_freq_a1\tinfo\tcertainty\t" "type\tinfo_type0\tconcord_type0\tr2_type0\n" "1\trs12345\t1231415\tA\tG\t0.006\t0.359\t0.987\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" "1\trs23456\t3214569\tT\tC\t0.082\t0.362\t0.866\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" "1\trs23457_1\t3214571\tT\tTC\t0.060\t0.300\t0.909\t0\t-1\t" "-1\t-1\n" "1\t1:3214573\t3214573\tT\tTC\t0.371\t0.339\t0.619\t0\t-1\t" "-1\t-1\n" "1\t1:4214570_1\t4214570\tT\tTC\t0.174\t0.589\t0.831\t0\t-1\t" "-1\t-1\n" ) observed = None with open(info_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (map) map_fn = template_name.format(ext="map") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "1\trs12345\t0\t1231415\n" "1\trs23456\t0\t3214569\n" "1\trs23457_1\t0\t3214571\n" "1\t1:3214573\t0\t3214573\n" "1\t1:4214570_1\t0\t4214570\n" ) observed = None with open(map_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion file (map) maf_fn = template_name.format(ext="maf") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "name\tmajor\tminor\tmaf\n" "rs12345\tA\tG\t{}\n" "rs23456\tT\tC\t{}\n" "rs23457_1\tTC\tT\t{}\n" "1:3214573\tTC\tT\t{}\n" "1:4214570_1\tT\tTC\t{}\n" ).format(1/6, 0.5, 1/4, 1/4, "NA") observed = None with open(maf_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed)
[docs] def test_genomic_maf(self): """Tests the extraction by genomic location and maf.""" # Executing the script args = self.common_args + [ "--genomic", "chr1:3214569-3214573", "--maf", "0.3", ] impute2_extractor.main(args=args) TestImpute2Extractor.clean_logging_handlers() # Testing we have the three output files template_name = os.path.join(, "results.{ext}") for suffix in ("impute2", "dosage", "calls"): self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(template_name.format(ext=suffix))) # Checking the impute2 file expected = ( "1 rs23456 3214569 T C 0.869 0.130 0 0.903 0.095 0.002 0 0 1\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="impute2"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the dosage file expected = ( "chrom\tpos\tname\tminor\tmajor\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\t3214569\trs23456\tC\tT\tnan\t0.099\t2.0\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="dosage"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the hard calls file expected = ( "chrom\tname\tcm\tpos\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\trs23456\t0\t3214569\t0 0\tT T\tC C\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="calls"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (impute2_info) info_fn = template_name.format(ext="impute2_info") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "chr\tname\tposition\ta0\ta1\texp_freq_a1\tinfo\tcertainty\t" "type\tinfo_type0\tconcord_type0\tr2_type0\n" "1\trs23456\t3214569\tT\tC\t0.082\t0.362\t0.866\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" ) observed = None with open(info_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (map) map_fn = template_name.format(ext="map") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "1\trs23456\t0\t3214569\n" ) observed = None with open(map_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion file (map) maf_fn = template_name.format(ext="maf") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "name\tmajor\tminor\tmaf\n" "rs23456\tT\tC\t{}\n" ).format(0.5) observed = None with open(maf_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed)
[docs] def test_genomic_rate(self): """Tests the extraction by genomic location and completion rate.""" # Executing the script args = self.common_args + [ "--genomic", "chr1:1231415-3214573", "--rate", "0.7", ] impute2_extractor.main(args=args) TestImpute2Extractor.clean_logging_handlers() # Testing we have the three output files template_name = os.path.join(, "results.{ext}") for suffix in ("impute2", "dosage", "calls"): self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(template_name.format(ext=suffix))) # Checking the impute2 file expected = ( "1 rs12345 1231415 A G 1 0 0 0.988 0.002 0 0 0.997 0.003\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="impute2"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the dosage file expected = ( "chrom\tpos\tname\tminor\tmajor\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\t1231415\trs12345\tG\tA\t0.0\t0.002\t1.003\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="dosage"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the hard calls file expected = ( "chrom\tname\tcm\tpos\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\trs12345\t0\t1231415\tA A\tA A\tA G\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="calls"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (impute2_info) info_fn = template_name.format(ext="impute2_info") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "chr\tname\tposition\ta0\ta1\texp_freq_a1\tinfo\tcertainty\t" "type\tinfo_type0\tconcord_type0\tr2_type0\n" "1\trs12345\t1231415\tA\tG\t0.006\t0.359\t0.987\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" ) observed = None with open(info_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (map) map_fn = template_name.format(ext="map") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "1\trs12345\t0\t1231415\n" ) observed = None with open(map_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion file (map) maf_fn = template_name.format(ext="maf") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "name\tmajor\tminor\tmaf\n" "rs12345\tA\tG\t{}\n" ).format(1/6) observed = None with open(maf_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed)
[docs] def test_genomic_info(self): """Tests the extraction by genomic location and information value.""" # Executing the script args = self.common_args + [ "--genomic", "chr1:1231415-3214573", "--info", "0.28", ] impute2_extractor.main(args=args) TestImpute2Extractor.clean_logging_handlers() # Testing we have the three output files template_name = os.path.join(, "results.{ext}") for suffix in ("impute2", "dosage", "calls"): self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(template_name.format(ext=suffix))) # Checking the impute2 file expected = ( "1 rs12345 1231415 A G 1 0 0 0.988 0.002 0 0 0.997 0.003\n" "1 rs23456 3214569 T C 0.869 0.130 0 0.903 0.095 0.002 0 0 1\n" "1 rs23457 3214570 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" "1 rs23457_1 3214571 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" "1 1:3214573 3214573 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="impute2"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the dosage file expected = ( "chrom\tpos\tname\tminor\tmajor\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\t1231415\trs12345\tG\tA\t0.0\t0.002\t1.003\n" "1\t3214569\trs23456\tC\tT\tnan\t0.099\t2.0\n" "1\t3214570\trs23457\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" "1\t3214571\trs23457_1\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" "1\t3214573\t1:3214573\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="dosage"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the hard calls file expected = ( "chrom\tname\tcm\tpos\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\trs12345\t0\t1231415\tA A\tA A\tA G\n" "1\trs23456\t0\t3214569\t0 0\tT T\tC C\n" "1\trs23457\t0\t3214570\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" "1\trs23457_1\t0\t3214571\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" "1\t1:3214573\t0\t3214573\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="calls"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (impute2_info) info_fn = template_name.format(ext="impute2_info") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "chr\tname\tposition\ta0\ta1\texp_freq_a1\tinfo\tcertainty\t" "type\tinfo_type0\tconcord_type0\tr2_type0\n" "1\trs12345\t1231415\tA\tG\t0.006\t0.359\t0.987\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" "1\trs23456\t3214569\tT\tC\t0.082\t0.362\t0.866\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" "1\trs23457\t3214570\tT\tTC\t0.126\t0.299\t0.832\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" "1\trs23457_1\t3214571\tT\tTC\t0.060\t0.300\t0.909\t0\t-1\t" "-1\t-1\n" "1\t1:3214573\t3214573\tT\tTC\t0.371\t0.339\t0.619\t0\t-1\t" "-1\t-1\n" ) observed = None with open(info_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (map) map_fn = template_name.format(ext="map") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "1\trs12345\t0\t1231415\n" "1\trs23456\t0\t3214569\n" "1\trs23457\t0\t3214570\n" "1\trs23457_1\t0\t3214571\n" "1\t1:3214573\t0\t3214573\n" ) observed = None with open(map_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion file (map) maf_fn = template_name.format(ext="maf") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "name\tmajor\tminor\tmaf\n" "rs12345\tA\tG\t{}\n" "rs23456\tT\tC\t{}\n" "rs23457\tTC\tT\t{}\n" "rs23457_1\tTC\tT\t{}\n" "1:3214573\tTC\tT\t{}\n" ).format(1/6, 0.5, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4) observed = None with open(maf_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed)
[docs] def test_maf_rate(self): """Tests the extraction by maf and completion rate.""" # Executing the script args = self.common_args + [ "--maf", "0.2", "--rate", "0.6", ] impute2_extractor.main(args=args) TestImpute2Extractor.clean_logging_handlers() # Testing we have the three output files template_name = os.path.join(, "results.{ext}") for suffix in ("impute2", "dosage", "calls"): self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(template_name.format(ext=suffix))) # Checking the impute2 file expected = ( "1 rs23456 3214569 T C 0.869 0.130 0 0.903 0.095 0.002 0 0 1\n" "1 rs23457 3214570 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" "1 rs23457_1 3214571 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" "1 rs23457_2 3214572 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" "1 1:3214573 3214573 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="impute2"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the dosage file expected = ( "chrom\tpos\tname\tminor\tmajor\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\t3214569\trs23456\tC\tT\tnan\t0.099\t2.0\n" "1\t3214570\trs23457\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" "1\t3214571\trs23457_1\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" "1\t3214572\trs23457_2\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" "1\t3214573\t1:3214573\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="dosage"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the hard calls file expected = ( "chrom\tname\tcm\tpos\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\trs23456\t0\t3214569\t0 0\tT T\tC C\n" "1\trs23457\t0\t3214570\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" "1\trs23457_1\t0\t3214571\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" "1\trs23457_2\t0\t3214572\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" "1\t1:3214573\t0\t3214573\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="calls"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (impute2_info) info_fn = template_name.format(ext="impute2_info") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "chr\tname\tposition\ta0\ta1\texp_freq_a1\tinfo\tcertainty\t" "type\tinfo_type0\tconcord_type0\tr2_type0\n" "1\trs23456\t3214569\tT\tC\t0.082\t0.362\t0.866\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" "1\trs23457\t3214570\tT\tTC\t0.126\t0.299\t0.832\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" "1\trs23457_1\t3214571\tT\tTC\t0.060\t0.300\t0.909\t0\t-1\t" "-1\t-1\n" "1\trs23457_2\t3214572\tT\tTC\t0.084\t0.203\t0.854\t0\t-1\t" "-1\t-1\n" "1\t1:3214573\t3214573\tT\tTC\t0.371\t0.339\t0.619\t0\t-1\t" "-1\t-1\n" ) observed = None with open(info_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (map) map_fn = template_name.format(ext="map") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "1\trs23456\t0\t3214569\n" "1\trs23457\t0\t3214570\n" "1\trs23457_1\t0\t3214571\n" "1\trs23457_2\t0\t3214572\n" "1\t1:3214573\t0\t3214573\n" ) observed = None with open(map_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion file (map) maf_fn = template_name.format(ext="maf") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "name\tmajor\tminor\tmaf\n" "rs23456\tT\tC\t{}\n" "rs23457\tTC\tT\t{}\n" "rs23457_1\tTC\tT\t{}\n" "rs23457_2\tTC\tT\t{}\n" "1:3214573\tTC\tT\t{}\n" ).format(0.5, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4) observed = None with open(maf_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed)
[docs] def test_maf_info(self): """Tests the extraction by maf and information value.""" # Executing the script args = self.common_args + [ "--maf", "0.2", "--info", "0.3", ] impute2_extractor.main(args=args) TestImpute2Extractor.clean_logging_handlers() # Testing we have the three output files template_name = os.path.join(, "results.{ext}") for suffix in ("impute2", "dosage", "calls"): self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(template_name.format(ext=suffix))) # Checking the impute2 file expected = ( "1 rs23456 3214569 T C 0.869 0.130 0 0.903 0.095 0.002 0 0 1\n" "1 rs23457_1 3214571 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" "1 1:3214573 3214573 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="impute2"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the dosage file expected = ( "chrom\tpos\tname\tminor\tmajor\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\t3214569\trs23456\tC\tT\tnan\t0.099\t2.0\n" "1\t3214571\trs23457_1\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" "1\t3214573\t1:3214573\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="dosage"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the hard calls file expected = ( "chrom\tname\tcm\tpos\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\trs23456\t0\t3214569\t0 0\tT T\tC C\n" "1\trs23457_1\t0\t3214571\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" "1\t1:3214573\t0\t3214573\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="calls"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (impute2_info) info_fn = template_name.format(ext="impute2_info") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "chr\tname\tposition\ta0\ta1\texp_freq_a1\tinfo\tcertainty\t" "type\tinfo_type0\tconcord_type0\tr2_type0\n" "1\trs23456\t3214569\tT\tC\t0.082\t0.362\t0.866\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" "1\trs23457_1\t3214571\tT\tTC\t0.060\t0.300\t0.909\t0\t-1\t" "-1\t-1\n" "1\t1:3214573\t3214573\tT\tTC\t0.371\t0.339\t0.619\t0\t-1\t" "-1\t-1\n" ) observed = None with open(info_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (map) map_fn = template_name.format(ext="map") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "1\trs23456\t0\t3214569\n" "1\trs23457_1\t0\t3214571\n" "1\t1:3214573\t0\t3214573\n" ) observed = None with open(map_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion file (map) maf_fn = template_name.format(ext="maf") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "name\tmajor\tminor\tmaf\n" "rs23456\tT\tC\t{}\n" "rs23457_1\tTC\tT\t{}\n" "1:3214573\tTC\tT\t{}\n" ).format(0.5, 1/4, 1/4) observed = None with open(maf_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed)
[docs] def test_rate_info(self): """Tests the extraction by completion rate and information value.""" # Executing the script args = self.common_args + [ "--info", "0.35", "--rate", "0.6", ] impute2_extractor.main(args=args) TestImpute2Extractor.clean_logging_handlers() # Testing we have the three output files template_name = os.path.join(, "results.{ext}") for suffix in ("impute2", "dosage", "calls"): self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(template_name.format(ext=suffix))) # Checking the impute2 file expected = ( "1 rs12345 1231415 A G 1 0 0 0.988 0.002 0 0 0.997 0.003\n" "1 rs23456 3214569 T C 0.869 0.130 0 0.903 0.095 0.002 0 0 1\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="impute2"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the dosage file expected = ( "chrom\tpos\tname\tminor\tmajor\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\t1231415\trs12345\tG\tA\t0.0\t0.002\t1.003\n" "1\t3214569\trs23456\tC\tT\tnan\t0.099\t2.0\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="dosage"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the hard calls file expected = ( "chrom\tname\tcm\tpos\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\trs12345\t0\t1231415\tA A\tA A\tA G\n" "1\trs23456\t0\t3214569\t0 0\tT T\tC C\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="calls"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (impute2_info) info_fn = template_name.format(ext="impute2_info") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "chr\tname\tposition\ta0\ta1\texp_freq_a1\tinfo\tcertainty\t" "type\tinfo_type0\tconcord_type0\tr2_type0\n" "1\trs12345\t1231415\tA\tG\t0.006\t0.359\t0.987\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" "1\trs23456\t3214569\tT\tC\t0.082\t0.362\t0.866\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" ) observed = None with open(info_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (map) map_fn = template_name.format(ext="map") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "1\trs12345\t0\t1231415\n" "1\trs23456\t0\t3214569\n" ) observed = None with open(map_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion file (map) maf_fn = template_name.format(ext="maf") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "name\tmajor\tminor\tmaf\n" "rs12345\tA\tG\t{}\n" "rs23456\tT\tC\t{}\n" ).format(1/6, 0.5) observed = None with open(maf_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed)
[docs] def test_genomic_maf_rate(self): """Tests the extraction by genomic location, maf and rate.""" # Executing the script args = self.common_args + [ "--genomic", "chr1:3214568-4514570", "--maf", "0.01", "--rate", "0.6", ] impute2_extractor.main(args=args) TestImpute2Extractor.clean_logging_handlers() # Testing we have the three output files template_name = os.path.join(, "results.{ext}") for suffix in ("impute2", "dosage", "calls"): self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(template_name.format(ext=suffix))) # Checking the impute2 file expected = ( "1 rs23456 3214569 T C 0.869 0.130 0 0.903 0.095 0.002 0 0 1\n" "1 rs23457 3214570 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" "1 rs23457_1 3214571 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" "1 rs23457_2 3214572 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" "1 1:3214573 3214573 T TC 0.869 0.130 0 0 1 0 0 0 1\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="impute2"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the dosage file expected = ( "chrom\tpos\tname\tminor\tmajor\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\t3214569\trs23456\tC\tT\tnan\t0.099\t2.0\n" "1\t3214570\trs23457\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" "1\t3214571\trs23457_1\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" "1\t3214572\trs23457_2\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" "1\t3214573\t1:3214573\tT\tTC\tnan\t1.0\t0.0\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="dosage"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the hard calls file expected = ( "chrom\tname\tcm\tpos\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\trs23456\t0\t3214569\t0 0\tT T\tC C\n" "1\trs23457\t0\t3214570\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" "1\trs23457_1\t0\t3214571\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" "1\trs23457_2\t0\t3214572\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" "1\t1:3214573\t0\t3214573\t0 0\tT TC\tTC TC\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="calls"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (impute2_info) info_fn = template_name.format(ext="impute2_info") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "chr\tname\tposition\ta0\ta1\texp_freq_a1\tinfo\tcertainty\t" "type\tinfo_type0\tconcord_type0\tr2_type0\n" "1\trs23456\t3214569\tT\tC\t0.082\t0.362\t0.866\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" "1\trs23457\t3214570\tT\tTC\t0.126\t0.299\t0.832\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" "1\trs23457_1\t3214571\tT\tTC\t0.060\t0.300\t0.909\t0\t-1\t" "-1\t-1\n" "1\trs23457_2\t3214572\tT\tTC\t0.084\t0.203\t0.854\t0\t-1\t" "-1\t-1\n" "1\t1:3214573\t3214573\tT\tTC\t0.371\t0.339\t0.619\t0\t-1\t" "-1\t-1\n" ) observed = None with open(info_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (map) map_fn = template_name.format(ext="map") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "1\trs23456\t0\t3214569\n" "1\trs23457\t0\t3214570\n" "1\trs23457_1\t0\t3214571\n" "1\trs23457_2\t0\t3214572\n" "1\t1:3214573\t0\t3214573\n" ) observed = None with open(map_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion file (map) maf_fn = template_name.format(ext="maf") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "name\tmajor\tminor\tmaf\n" "rs23456\tT\tC\t{}\n" "rs23457\tTC\tT\t{}\n" "rs23457_1\tTC\tT\t{}\n" "rs23457_2\tTC\tT\t{}\n" "1:3214573\tTC\tT\t{}\n" ).format(0.5, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4) observed = None with open(maf_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed)
[docs] def test_genomic_maf_info(self): """Tests the extraction by genomic location, maf and information.""" # Executing the script args = self.common_args + [ "--genomic", "chr1:3214568-4514570", "--maf", "0.01", "--info", "0.35", ] impute2_extractor.main(args=args) TestImpute2Extractor.clean_logging_handlers() # Testing we have the three output files template_name = os.path.join(, "results.{ext}") for suffix in ("impute2", "dosage", "calls"): self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(template_name.format(ext=suffix))) # Checking the impute2 file expected = ( "1 rs23456 3214569 T C 0.869 0.130 0 0.903 0.095 0.002 0 0 1\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="impute2"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the dosage file expected = ( "chrom\tpos\tname\tminor\tmajor\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\t3214569\trs23456\tC\tT\tnan\t0.099\t2.0\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="dosage"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the hard calls file expected = ( "chrom\tname\tcm\tpos\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\trs23456\t0\t3214569\t0 0\tT T\tC C\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="calls"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (impute2_info) info_fn = template_name.format(ext="impute2_info") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "chr\tname\tposition\ta0\ta1\texp_freq_a1\tinfo\tcertainty\t" "type\tinfo_type0\tconcord_type0\tr2_type0\n" "1\trs23456\t3214569\tT\tC\t0.082\t0.362\t0.866\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" ) observed = None with open(info_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (map) map_fn = template_name.format(ext="map") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "1\trs23456\t0\t3214569\n" ) observed = None with open(map_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion file (map) maf_fn = template_name.format(ext="maf") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "name\tmajor\tminor\tmaf\n" "rs23456\tT\tC\t{}\n" ).format(0.5) observed = None with open(maf_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed)
[docs] def test_maf_rate_info(self): """Tests the extraction by maf, completion rate and information.""" # Executing the script args = self.common_args + [ "--rate", "0.7", "--maf", "0.01", "--info", "0.35", ] impute2_extractor.main(args=args) TestImpute2Extractor.clean_logging_handlers() # Testing we have the three output files template_name = os.path.join(, "results.{ext}") for suffix in ("impute2", "dosage", "calls"): self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(template_name.format(ext=suffix))) # Checking the impute2 file expected = ( "1 rs12345 1231415 A G 1 0 0 0.988 0.002 0 0 0.997 0.003\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="impute2"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the dosage file expected = ( "chrom\tpos\tname\tminor\tmajor\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\t1231415\trs12345\tG\tA\t0.0\t0.002\t1.003\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="dosage"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the hard calls file expected = ( "chrom\tname\tcm\tpos\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\trs12345\t0\t1231415\tA A\tA A\tA G\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="calls"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (impute2_info) info_fn = template_name.format(ext="impute2_info") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "chr\tname\tposition\ta0\ta1\texp_freq_a1\tinfo\tcertainty\t" "type\tinfo_type0\tconcord_type0\tr2_type0\n" "1\trs12345\t1231415\tA\tG\t0.006\t0.359\t0.987\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" ) observed = None with open(info_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (map) map_fn = template_name.format(ext="map") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "1\trs12345\t0\t1231415\n" ) observed = None with open(map_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion file (map) maf_fn = template_name.format(ext="maf") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "name\tmajor\tminor\tmaf\n" "rs12345\tA\tG\t{}\n" ).format(1/6) observed = None with open(maf_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed)
[docs] def test_genomic_maf_rate_info(self): """Tests the extraction by genomic location, maf, rate and info.""" # Executing the script args = self.common_args + [ "--genomic", "chr1:1231415-3214572", "--rate", "0.6", "--maf", "0.2", "--info", "0.35", ] impute2_extractor.main(args=args) TestImpute2Extractor.clean_logging_handlers() # Testing we have the three output files template_name = os.path.join(, "results.{ext}") for suffix in ("impute2", "dosage", "calls"): self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(template_name.format(ext=suffix))) # Checking the impute2 file expected = ( "1 rs23456 3214569 T C 0.869 0.130 0 0.903 0.095 0.002 0 0 1\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="impute2"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the dosage file expected = ( "chrom\tpos\tname\tminor\tmajor\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\t3214569\trs23456\tC\tT\tnan\t0.099\t2.0\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="dosage"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checking the hard calls file expected = ( "chrom\tname\tcm\tpos\tf1/s1\tf2/s2\tf3/s3\n" "1\trs23456\t0\t3214569\t0 0\tT T\tC C\n" ) observed = None with open(template_name.format(ext="calls"), "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (impute2_info) info_fn = template_name.format(ext="impute2_info") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "chr\tname\tposition\ta0\ta1\texp_freq_a1\tinfo\tcertainty\t" "type\tinfo_type0\tconcord_type0\tr2_type0\n" "1\trs23456\t3214569\tT\tC\t0.082\t0.362\t0.866\t0\t-1\t-1\t" "-1\n" ) observed = None with open(info_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion files (map) map_fn = template_name.format(ext="map") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "1\trs23456\t0\t3214569\n" ) observed = None with open(map_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed) # Checks companion file (map) maf_fn = template_name.format(ext="maf") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(info_fn)) expected = ( "name\tmajor\tminor\tmaf\n" "rs23456\tT\tC\t{}\n" ).format(0.5) observed = None with open(maf_fn, "r") as i_file: observed = self.assertEqual(expected, observed)