Source code for genipe.tests.test_db

# This file is part of genipe.
# This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
# 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
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# Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.

import time
import logging
import sqlite3
import unittest
from datetime import datetime
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory

from ..db import utils as db_utils
from ..db.utils import _create_db_connection

__author__ = "Louis-Philippe Lemieux Perreault"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014, Beaulieu-Saucier Pharmacogenomics Centre"
__license__ = "Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)"

__all__ = ["TestDB"]

[docs]class TestDB(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): """Setup the tests.""" # Creating the temporary directory self.output_dir = TemporaryDirectory(prefix="genipe_test_") # We need to create an empty database self.db_name = db_utils.create_task_db( # We're going to add thee entries self.creation_times = [] self.task_names = [] for i in range(4): task_name = "dummy_task_{}".format(i + 1) self.creation_times.append( db_utils.create_task_entry(task_name, self.db_name) self.task_names.append(task_name)
[docs] def tearDown(self): """Finishes the test.""" # Deleting the output directory self.output_dir.cleanup()
[docs] def test_create_task_db(self): """Tests the 'create_task_db' function.""" # The DB should already be created, so we connect to it conn = sqlite3.connect( self.db_name, timeout=360, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES | sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES, ) c = conn.cursor() # Getting all the tables c.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'") tables = c.fetchall() # There should only be one table (and one column) self.assertEqual(1, len(tables)) self.assertEqual(1, len(tables[0])) # The only value should have name=genipe_task self.assertEqual("genipe_task", tables[0][0]) # Checking the columns (name, type, notnull, default, primary) expected_columns = { "name": ("name", "TEXT", 0, None, 1), "launch": ("launch", "TIMESTAMP", 0, None, 0), "start": ("start", "TIMESTAMP", 0, None, 0), "end": ("end", "TIMESTAMP", 0, None, 0), "completed": ("completed", "INT", 0, None, 0), } c.execute("PRAGMA table_info(genipe_task)") col_names = set() for result in c.fetchall(): # Getting the name of the column col_name = result[1] col_names.add(col_name) # Checking the content of the columns self.assertEqual(expected_columns[col_name], result[1:]) # Checking we have all columns col_diff = (col_names & set(expected_columns.keys())) - col_names if len(col_diff) != 0: # pragma: no cover"not all DB columns are present")
[docs] def test_create_db_connection(self): """Tests the '_create_db_connection' function.""" # Creating the connection conn, c = _create_db_connection(self.db_name) # Checking that the table 'genipe_task' exists c.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'") self.assertEqual("genipe_task", c.fetchone()[0]) # Closing the connection conn.close()
[docs] def test_check_task_completion(self): """Tests the 'check_task_completion' function.""" # Marking the first and fourth tasks as completed start = self.creation_times[3].timestamp() now = db_utils.mark_task_completed(self.task_names[0], self.db_name) db_utils.mark_drmaa_task_completed(self.task_names[3], start, start, now, self.db_name) # Marking the second one as incomplete db_utils.mark_task_incomplete(self.task_names[1], self.db_name) # Checking the values self.assertTrue(db_utils.check_task_completion(self.task_names[0], self.db_name)) self.assertFalse(db_utils.check_task_completion(self.task_names[1], self.db_name)) self.assertFalse(db_utils.check_task_completion(self.task_names[2], self.db_name)) self.assertTrue(db_utils.check_task_completion(self.task_names[3], self.db_name)) # Setting a completely random value for the third task conn, c = _create_db_connection(self.db_name) c.execute("UPDATE genipe_task SET completed='foo' WHERE name=?", (self.task_names[3], )) conn.commit() conn.close() self.assertFalse(db_utils.check_task_completion(self.task_names[3], self.db_name)) # The logging capability might be disable... disable_lvl = logging.Logger.manager.disable logging.disable(logging.NOTSET) # Checking the status of a missing task with self.assertLogs(level="DEBUG") as cm: db_utils.check_task_completion("DUMMY_NAME", self.db_name) log_m = ("DEBUG:root:'DUMMY_NAME' no entry") self.assertEqual(1, len(cm.output)) self.assertEqual(log_m, cm.output[0]) # Setting back to disabled level (if required) logging.disable(disable_lvl)
[docs] def test_create_task_entry(self): """Tests the 'create_task_entry' function.""" # The task that will be modified modified_task = self.task_names[0] # Three tasks should have been created conn, c = _create_db_connection(self.db_name) # Fetching all the tasks c.execute("SELECT name FROM genipe_task") results = [r[0] for r in c.fetchall()] self.assertEqual(self.task_names, results) # Checking that the times are the same c.execute( "SELECT name, launch, start, end, completed FROM genipe_task" ) results = c.fetchall() iteration = zip(self.task_names, self.creation_times, results) for task_name, expected_time, result in iteration: # The observed values o_name, o_launch, o_start, o_end, o_completed = result # The name should be the same self.assertEqual(task_name, o_name) # The launch and start times should be the same (max 1 second diff) self.assertEqual(o_launch, o_start) t_delta = abs((o_launch - expected_time).total_seconds()) self.assertTrue(t_delta >= 0 and t_delta <= 1) # End and completed should be none self.assertTrue(o_end is None) self.assertTrue(o_completed is None) # We are going to relaunch a task after 3 seconds time.sleep(3) now = db_utils.create_task_entry(modified_task, self.db_name) c.execute( "SELECT name, launch, start, end, completed FROM genipe_task" ) results = c.fetchall() iteration = zip(self.task_names, self.creation_times, results) for task_name, expected_time, result in iteration: # The expected values o_name, o_launch, o_start, o_end, o_completed = result # The name should be the same self.assertEqual(task_name, o_name) # The expected time is different for the first task if task_name == modified_task: expected_time = now # The launch and start times should be the same (max 1 second diff) self.assertEqual(o_launch, o_start) t_delta = abs((o_launch - expected_time).total_seconds()) self.assertTrue(t_delta >= 0 and t_delta <= 1) # End and completed should be none (except for first task) self.assertTrue(o_end is None) if task_name == modified_task: self.assertEqual(0, o_completed) else: self.assertTrue(o_completed is None) # Closing the connection conn.close()
[docs] def test_mark_task_completed(self): """Tests the 'mark_task_completed' function.""" # The task that will be modified modified_task = self.task_names[0] # We are going to mark the first task as completed after 3 seconds time.sleep(3) completion_time = db_utils.mark_task_completed(modified_task, self.db_name) # Creating the connection conn, c = _create_db_connection(self.db_name) # Checking that the times are the same c.execute( "SELECT name, launch, start, end, completed FROM genipe_task" ) results = c.fetchall() iteration = zip(self.task_names, self.creation_times, results) for task_name, expected_time, result in iteration: # The observed values o_name, o_launch, o_start, o_end, o_completed = result # The name should be the same self.assertEqual(task_name, o_name) # The launch and start times should be the same (max 1 second diff) self.assertEqual(o_launch, o_start) t_delta = abs((o_launch - expected_time).total_seconds()) self.assertTrue(t_delta >= 0 and t_delta <= 1) # End and completed should be none unless it's the first task if task_name != modified_task: self.assertTrue(o_end is None) self.assertTrue(o_completed is None) else: # The task should be completed self.assertEqual(1, o_completed) # Time difference between completion times (max 1 second diff) t_delta = abs((o_end - completion_time).total_seconds()) self.assertTrue(t_delta >= 0 and t_delta <= 1) # Time difference between start and end should be 3 (max 1 # second diff) t_delta = abs((o_end - o_start).total_seconds()) self.assertTrue(t_delta >= 3 and t_delta <= 4) conn.close()
[docs] def test_mark_task_incomplete(self): """Tests the 'mark_task_incomplete' function.""" # Marking an incomplete task shouldn't change its values (except # completed) modified_task = self.task_names[0] db_utils.mark_task_incomplete(modified_task, self.db_name) # Creating the connection conn, c = _create_db_connection(self.db_name) # Checking that the times are the same c.execute( "SELECT name, launch, start, end, completed FROM genipe_task" ) results = c.fetchall() iteration = zip(self.task_names, self.creation_times, results) for task_name, expected_time, result in iteration: # The observed values o_name, o_launch, o_start, o_end, o_completed = result # The name should be the same self.assertEqual(task_name, o_name) # The launch and start times should be the same (max 1 second diff) self.assertEqual(o_launch, o_start) t_delta = abs((o_launch - expected_time).total_seconds()) self.assertTrue(t_delta >= 0 and t_delta <= 1) # End and completed should be none unless it's the first task self.assertTrue(o_end is None) if task_name != modified_task: self.assertTrue(o_completed is None) else: # The task should be completed self.assertEqual(0, o_completed) # Now, marking a task as completed, waiting for 3 seconds and mark it # as incomplete modified_task = self.task_names[1] completion_time = db_utils.mark_task_completed(modified_task, self.db_name) time.sleep(3) db_utils.mark_task_incomplete(modified_task, self.db_name) # Checking that the times are the same c.execute( "SELECT name, launch, start, end, completed FROM genipe_task" ) results = c.fetchall() iteration = zip(self.task_names, self.creation_times, results) for task_name, expected_time, result in iteration: # The observed values o_name, o_launch, o_start, o_end, o_completed = result # The name should be the same self.assertEqual(task_name, o_name) # The launch and start times should be the same (max 1 second diff) self.assertEqual(o_launch, o_start) t_delta = abs((o_launch - expected_time).total_seconds()) self.assertTrue(t_delta >= 0 and t_delta <= 1) # End and completed should be none unless it's the first task if task_name != modified_task: self.assertTrue(o_end is None) self.assertTrue((o_completed is None) or (o_completed != 1)) else: # The task should be completed self.assertEqual(0, o_completed) # Time difference between completion times (max 1 second diff) t_delta = abs((o_end - completion_time).total_seconds()) self.assertTrue(t_delta >= 0 and t_delta <= 1) # Closing the connection conn.close()
[docs] def test_mark_drmaa_task_completed(self): """Tests the 'mark_drmaa_task_completed' function.""" # The task that will be modified modified_task = self.task_names[0] # Waiting 1 second and "launch" task time.sleep(1) launch_time = # Waiting 1 second and "start" task time.sleep(1) start_time = # Waiting 3 seconds and "ending" task time.sleep(3) end_time = db_utils.mark_drmaa_task_completed( modified_task, launch_time.timestamp(), start_time.timestamp(), end_time.timestamp(), self.db_name, ) # Creating the connection conn, c = _create_db_connection(self.db_name) # Checking that the times are the same c.execute( "SELECT name, launch, start, end, completed FROM genipe_task" ) results = c.fetchall() iteration = zip(self.task_names, self.creation_times, results) for task_name, expected_time, result in iteration: # The observed values o_name, o_launch, o_start, o_end, o_completed = result # The name should be the same self.assertEqual(task_name, o_name) # The launch and start times should be the same (max 1 second diff) # for the other tasks if o_name != modified_task: self.assertEqual(o_launch, o_start) t_delta = abs((o_launch - expected_time).total_seconds()) self.assertTrue(t_delta >= 0 and t_delta <= 1) else: t_delta = abs(launch_time.timestamp() - o_launch.timestamp()) self.assertTrue(t_delta >= 0 and t_delta <= 1) t_delta = abs(start_time.timestamp() - o_start.timestamp()) self.assertTrue(t_delta >= 0 and t_delta <= 1) t_delta = abs(end_time.timestamp() - o_end.timestamp()) self.assertTrue(t_delta >= 0 and t_delta <= 1) # End and completed should be none unless it's the first task if task_name != modified_task: self.assertTrue(o_end is None) self.assertTrue(o_completed is None) else: # The task should be completed self.assertEqual(1, o_completed) # Time difference between completion times (max 1 second diff) t_delta = abs((end_time - o_end).total_seconds()) self.assertTrue(t_delta >= 0 and t_delta <= 1) # Time difference between launch and start should be 1 (max 1 # second diff) t_delta = abs((o_start - o_launch).total_seconds()) self.assertTrue(t_delta >= 1 and t_delta <= 2) # Time difference between start and end should be 3 (max 1 # second diff) t_delta = abs((o_end - o_start).total_seconds()) self.assertTrue(t_delta >= 3 and t_delta <= 4) conn.close()
[docs] def test_get_task_runtime(self): """Tests the 'task_runtime' function.""" # Those two tasks will be modified modified_task_1 = self.task_names[0] modified_task_2 = self.task_names[1] # Waiting 1 second and "launch" task time.sleep(1) launch_time = # Waiting 1 second and "start" task time.sleep(1) start_time = # Waiting 3 seconds and "ending" two task time.sleep(3) end_time = db_utils.mark_task_completed(modified_task_1, self.db_name) db_utils.mark_drmaa_task_completed( modified_task_2, launch_time.timestamp(), start_time.timestamp(), end_time.timestamp(), self.db_name, ) # Getting the first task time task_time_1 = db_utils.get_task_runtime(modified_task_1, self.db_name) task_time_2 = db_utils.get_task_runtime(modified_task_2, self.db_name) # Comparing the time self.assertEqual(5, task_time_1) self.assertEqual(3, task_time_2)
[docs] def test_get_all_runtimes(self): """Tests the 'get_all_runtimes' function.""" # The time that the task started start = self.creation_times[-1].timestamp() # Waiting one second for each task end_times = [] for task_name in self.task_names: time.sleep(1) if task_name != self.task_names[-1]: db_utils.mark_task_completed(task_name, self.db_name) else: now = db_utils.mark_drmaa_task_completed(task_name, start, start, now, self.db_name) end_times.append(time.time()) # The expected time expected_time = { task_name: int(round(elapsed - start, 0)) for task_name, elapsed in zip(self.task_names, end_times) } # Getting the time for all tasks observed_time = db_utils.get_all_runtimes(self.db_name) # Comparing the results self.assertEqual(set(expected_time.keys()), set(observed_time.keys())) for task_name in expected_time.keys(): t_delta = abs(expected_time[task_name] - observed_time[task_name]) self.assertTrue(t_delta >= 0 and t_delta <= 1) # Setting one of the task's end time to None conn, c = _create_db_connection(self.db_name) c.execute("UPDATE genipe_task SET end=NULL WHERE name=?", (self.task_names[0], )) conn.commit() conn.close() with self.assertLogs(level="WARNING") as cm: db_utils.get_all_runtimes(self.db_name) log_m = "WARNING:root:{}: no execution time for task" self.assertEqual(1, len(cm.output)) self.assertEqual(log_m.format(self.task_names[0]), cm.output[0]) # Setting one of the task's start time to None conn, c = _create_db_connection(self.db_name) c.execute("UPDATE genipe_task SET start=NULL WHERE name=?", (self.task_names[0], )) conn.commit() conn.close() with self.assertLogs(level="WARNING") as cm: db_utils.get_all_runtimes(self.db_name) log_m = "WARNING:root:{}: no execution time for task" self.assertEqual(1, len(cm.output)) self.assertEqual(log_m.format(self.task_names[0]), cm.output[0])