Source code for genipe.reporting.utils

# This file is part of genipe.
# This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
# 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
# or send a letter to Creative
# Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.

import re
from textwrap import wrap

import jinja2

__author__ = "Louis-Philippe Lemieux Perreault"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014, Beaulieu-Saucier Pharmacogenomics Centre"
__license__ = "Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)"

__all__ = ["config_jinja2", "sanitize_tex", "format_tex", "wrap_tex",
           "create_tabular", "create_float", "tex_inline_math", "format_time",

_char_mod = {
    "~": r"$\sim$",
_escaped_char = ["$", "%", "_", "}", "{", "&", "#"]
_valid_tex_formats = {"texttt", "emph", "textbf", "textit"}

[docs]def config_jinja2(): """Configure the jinja2 environment for LaTeX. Note ---- The configuration used is for LaTeX documents. Hence, a block command is done using ``\BLOCK{}`` and variables using ``\VAR{}`` in the Jinja2 template. """ return jinja2.Environment( block_start_string='\BLOCK{', block_end_string='}', variable_start_string='\VAR{', variable_end_string='}', comment_start_string='\#{', comment_end_string='}', line_statement_prefix='%-', line_comment_prefix='%#', trim_blocks=True, autoescape=False, loader=jinja2.PackageLoader(__name__, "templates"), )
[docs]def sanitize_tex(original_text): """Sanitize TeX text. Args: original_text (str): the text to sanitize for LaTeX Text is sanitized by following these steps: 1. Replaces ``\\\\`` by ``\\textbackslash`` 2. Escapes certain characters (such as ``$``, ``%``, ``_``, ``}``, ``{``, ``&`` and ``#``) by adding a backslash (*e.g.* from ``&`` to ``\\&``). 3. Replaces special characters such as ``~`` by the LaTeX equivalent (*e.g.* from ``~`` to ``$\\sim$``). """ # The backslashes sanitized_tex = original_text.replace("\\", r"\textbackslash ") # Escaping sanitized_tex = re.sub(r"([{}])".format("".join(_escaped_char)), r"\\\g<1>", sanitized_tex) # Replacing for character, mod in _char_mod.items(): sanitized_tex = sanitized_tex.replace(character, mod) return sanitized_tex
[docs]def wrap_tex(original_text): """Wraps the text. Args: original_text (str): the text to wrap Returns: str: a string where the original text was wrapped Wraps the text so that lines are no longer than 80 characters. Uses the :py:func:`str.join` function on the results of the :py:func:`wrap` function, so that a single string is returned. """ return "\n".join(wrap(original_text))
[docs]def format_tex(text, tex_format): """Change the TeX text format. Args: text (str): the text for which the format needs to be specified tex_format (str): the format of the text to return Returns: str: the formatted text This will change the format by adding the LaTeX format command (*e.g.* from ``text`` to ``\\texttt{text}``). Note ---- Only the following format are available: * ``texttt`` * ``emph`` * ``textbf`` * ``textit`` """ assert tex_format in _valid_tex_formats, "invalid format" assert _is_sanitized(text), "text not sanitized" return r"\%s{%s}" % (tex_format, text)
[docs]def tex_inline_math(content): """Creates an inline mathematical formula in TeX. Args: content (str): the content of the mathematical formula Returns: str: the formatted mathematical formula The function only adds ``$`` symbols before and after the content (*e.g.* from ``\\pi`` to ``$\\pi$``). """ return "${}$".format(content)
def _is_sanitized(text): """Check if text is sanitized. Args: text (str): the text to check Returns: bool: ``True`` if the text is sanitized, ``False`` otherwise """ # Checking the escaped characters sanitized ="[^\\][{}]".format("".join(_escaped_char)), text) sanitized = sanitized is None # Checking the characters to replace for character in _char_mod.keys(): sanitized = sanitized and (character not in text) return sanitized
[docs]def create_tabular(template, header, data, header_multicol=None, col_align=None): """Creates a TeX tabular. Args: template (jinja2.Template): the tabular template header (list): the header of the tabular data (list): the tabular data header_multicol (list): the number of columns for the header col_align (list): the column alignement Returns: str: a string representation of a LaTeX tabular """ if header_multicol is None: header_multicol = [1 for i in header] # Getting the number of columns nb_col = sum(header_multicol) if col_align is None: col_align = ["c"] * nb_col # Checking that the number of columns holds assert len(header) == len(header_multicol), "len(header) != len(multicol)" assert len(col_align) == nb_col, "len(align) != number of columns" # Generating the tabular data tabular_data = { "col_alignments": "".join(col_align), "header_data": zip(header, header_multicol), "tabular_data": data, } # Rendering return template.render(**tabular_data)
[docs]def create_float(template, float_type, caption, label, content, placement="H"): """Creates a TeX float. Args: template (jinja2.Template): the float template float_type (str): the type of float (``figure`` or ``table``) caption (str): the caption of the float label (str): the label of the float content (str): the content of the float placement (str): the float placement (*e.g.* ``H``) Returns: str: a string representation of a LaTeX float """ # Some assertions assert float_type in ["figure", "table"], "invalid float type" for character in placement: assert character in "htbp!H", "invalid placement" if "H" in placement: assert placement == "H", "placement 'H' should be alone" # Generating the float data float_data = { "float_type": float_type, "float_placement": placement, "float_caption": caption, "float_label": label, "float_content": content, } # Rendering return template.render(**float_data)
[docs]def format_time(total_seconds, written_time=False): """Format time (either "HH:MM:SS" or "H hours, M minutes and S seconds". Args: total_seconds (int): the total number of seconds written_time (bool): whether to write time in written language Returns: str: a string representation of the total time If ``written_time`` is ``True``, time will be displayed as "H hours, M minutes and S seconds". Otherwise, the time will be represented as HH:MM:SS. """ # The format for the time time_fmt = "{hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}" # Getting the number of seconds, minutes and hours minutes, seconds = divmod(total_seconds, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) # Formatting if not written_time: return time_fmt.format(seconds=seconds, minutes=minutes, hours=hours) # The written time written_time = [] # The hours if hours > 0: written_time.append( "{} hour{}".format(hours, "s" if hours > 1 else "") ) # The minutes if minutes > 0: written_time.append( "{} minute{}".format(minutes, "s" if minutes > 1 else "") ) # The seconds if seconds > 0: written_time.append( "{} second{}".format(seconds, "s" if seconds > 1 else "") ) # Formatting the written time if len(written_time) == 0: return "no time" if len(written_time) == 1: return written_time[0] return ", ".join(written_time[:-1]) + " and " + written_time[-1]
[docs]def colorize_time(total_seconds): """Colorize the time. Args: total_seconds (int): the total number of seconds Returns: str: a colorized LaTeX string representation of time The time is displayed as ``HH:MM:SS``, but insignificant zeros are grayed-out. """ # Formatting the time formatted_time = format_time(total_seconds) # Setting the color colored_time = formatted_time to_color = re.match("([0:]+)", formatted_time) if to_color is not None: colored_time = r"{\color{light_gray}" colored_time += formatted_time[:to_color.end()] colored_time += "}" + formatted_time[to_color.end():] # Formatting the time return colored_time